


Iranian Conference on High Energy Physics (IRCHEP 1403) 
Deciphering the Universe Ciphers

September 30th-October 2nd, 2024 (9-11 Mehr,1403)

Iranian Conference on High Energy Physics (IRCHEP 1402)
Deciphering the Universe Ciphers

22 November, 2023 (29 Aban-1 Azar,1402)
Iranian Conference on High Energy Physics (IRCHEP 1400)
Deciphering the Universe Ciphers
8-10 November, 2021 (17-19 Aban,1400)
Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics 
21-25 April 2019 (1-5 Ordibehesht 98)
Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics 
7-11 May 2018 (17-21 Ordibehesht 1397)
Tehran Meeting on Cosmology   
5 -10 August 2017 (14 -19 Mordad 1396)
Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics 
8-11 May 2017 (18-21 Ordibehesht 1396)
Advanced school in condensed matter physics: Many-body localization
 27-28 Shahrivar 1395 (Sept. 17-18, 2016) 
Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics 
3-10 Khordad, 1395
(23-30 May, 2016)
IPM school and conference on Particle Physics (IPP15):
Neutrino physics, dark matter and B-physics

 22-27 September 2015 (31st Shahrivar-5th Mehr 1394)   
Workshop on Nanoscale Heat Transport 
26-27 Farvardin 1394 (
15-16 April 2015)
IPM-INIC mini workshop on Graphene and its applications
12th October 2014 (20 Mehr 1393)

IPM school and workshop on Particle Physics (IPP14): Leptogenesis and dark matter 
September 21st, 2014 (30 Shahrivar, 1393)    

IPM international school and workshop on Particle Physics (IPP13):
Flavor physics and dark matter
May 4th- 6th, 2013(14-16 Ordibehesht, 1392) 

IPM international school and workshop on Particle Physics (IPP12):
Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
September 26-October 1, 2012 (5-10 Mehr 1391) 

ISS2010 (IPM String School and Workshop)
April 9 - 15,  2010, Tehran, IRAN
IPM School on Early Universe Cosmology (IEUC09)
7-11 Dec, 2009, Tehran, IRAN
ISS2009 (IPM String School and Workshop)
April 9 - 18,  2009, Tehran, IRAN
The 2nd Workshop on High Performance Computing (HPC09)
21 January - 1 February 2009
, Tehran, IRAN
IPM International School and Workshop on Electroweak Physics
May 8 - 9, 2008, Tehran, IRAN
ISS2008 (IPM String School & Workshop)
April 9 - 17, 2008, Isfahan, IRAN
Workshop on High Performance Computing (HPC08)
February 16-21, 2008, Tehran, Iran
ICSW07 (IPM Cosmology School & Workshop 2007)
June 2 - 9, 2007, Tehran, IRAN
ISS2007 (IPM String School & Workshop)
April 9 - 18, 2007, Tehran, IRAN
Second IPM International Workshop on Plasma dynamics
December 18 - 22, 2006, Tehran, IRAN

IPM School & Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics
May 15 - 20, 2006, Tehran, IRAN

ISS2006 (IPM String School & Workshop)
April 10 - 19, 2006, Tehran, IRAN

IPM School on Cosmology 2005
January 16-24, 2005, Qeshm Island, IRAN

ISS2005 (IPM String School & Workshop)
January 5-14, 2005, Qeshm Island, IRAN

11th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics and IPM Spring Conference
May 3 - 6, 2004, Tehran, IRAN

ISS2003 (IPM String School & Workshop)
September 29 - October 9, 2003, Caspian Sea, IRAN

First IPM Workshop on Plasma Dynamics
December 15-20, 2002, Qeshm Island, IRAN

ISS2002 (IPM String School & Workshop)
April 20 - May 2, 2002, Shiraz, IRAN

LCFT (Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory & Its Applications)
September 4-18, 2001, Tehran, IRAN

ISS2000 (Isfahan String School & Workshop)
May 1-14, 2000, Isfahan, IRAN 

IPMSSF (IPM School on Cosmology)
January 23 - February 4, 1999, Kish Island, IRAN
7th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics Conference
October 15-22, 1995, Caspian Sea, IRAN


IPM School on High Energy Physics
17-18 April 2025 (27-28 Farvardin 1404)
Winter school on Physics of Complex Fluids (PCF) 
February 19-20, 2025  (Esfand 1-2, 1403)
IPM Workshop on High Energy Physics
10-11 December 2024 (22-23 Azar 1403)
IPM School on High Energy Physics
25-27 September, 2024 (4-6 Mehr, 1403)
HEPCo@Physics School
18 April 2024 (30 Farvardin 1403)
School and Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Gravity
28 Mordad - 1 Shahrivar 1402 (19-23 August 2023)
IPM School on High Energy Physics
15-17 November 2023 (24-26 Aban 1402)
30th IPM Physics Spring Conference
May 17-18, 2023 (27-28 Ordibehesht 1402)
Workshop on Complex Networks
19 February 2020 (30 Bahman 1398)

The significance of foundational problems in basic Sciences  
21 Azar 1398 (12 December 2019)

Workshop on Quantum Information Science
July 10, 2019 (19 Tir, 1398)
14 - 20 July 2019 (23-29 Tir, 1398)
A Conversation with Prof. N. Nafari
On the history of Condensed Matter Physics in Iran and his scientific career
19 June, 2019 (29 Khordad, 1398)
Conference on Gravity and Cosmology   
23-24 January, 2019 (3-4 Bahman, 1397)
Open Day 
16 January, 2019 (26 Dey, 1397)

COMSOL Multi-physics General and Specialized Workshop 
19 Mehr 1397 (11 October 2018)

25th IPM Physics Spring Conference  
20-21 June 2018 (30-31 Khordad 97)

Health - Safety- Environment (HSE) in the laboratory 
8 November 2017 (17 Aban 1396)

The Important Role of Foundational Physics in the Future Evolution of Science  
19-20 December 2017 (28-29 Azar 1396)

Open Day 
15 Febrary, 2017 (27 Bahman, 1395)
Workshop on Quantum Information Processing 
December 27-29, 2016 (7-9 Dey, 1395) 

IPM Second Workshop on xAct 
28-30 Mehr, 1395 (Sep. 19-21, 2016)

IPM School on Higher Spin Theory
15-19 February, 2016 (26-30 Bahman 1394)  

Conference on Recent Progress in Foundations of Physics (FPhy15) 
25-26 Azar 1394 (16-17 December 2015)

School on Spintronics and Nanomagnetism 
13-15 Aban 1394 (Nov. 4-6, 2015)

IPM mini-Workshop on xAct  
4-5-7 Shahrivar 1394 (Aug. 26-27-29, 2015)

22nd IPM Physics Spring Conference
May 20-21, 2015 (30-31 Ordibehesht 1394)
Advanced School on Recent Progress in Condensed Matter Physics
21-22 Jan, 2015 (1-2 Bahman, 1393)

Recent Progress in Two-dimensional Systems 
9 October 2014 (17 Mehr 1393)

21st IPM Physics Spring Conference
May 21-22, 2014 (31 Ordibehesht- 1 Khordad 1393)

Computer Simulations of Biological Systems 
29th of April- 2nd of May 2014 (9-12 Ordibehesht 1393)

Workshop on “Quantum transport in graphene”(In memory of late Prof. Malek Zareyan, 1971-2014)
24th April 2014(4 Ordibehesht 1393)
Meeting on Challenges of Physics Education 
30 January, 2014 (10 Bahman, 1392)

IPM One-day School on Symmetries in High Energy Physics 
26 December, 2013 (5 Dey, 1392)

Conference on Recent Progress in Foundations of Physics (FPhy13)  
6-7 November 2013(15-16 Aban 1392)

2nd IPM Conference on Soft Matter, Biological and Statistical Physics 
25 October 2013 (3 Aban 1392)

Workshop on Physics of Polymers and Biopolymers 
24 October 2013 (2 Aban 1392)

Workshop on Electronic Properties of MoS2
(2 October 2013) 10 Mehr 1392
Advanced school of recent progress in strongly correlated systems  
25-26 September 2013 (3-4 Mehr 1392)
Mini-workshop on Selected Topics in Soft Matter Dynamics
25 August 2013 (3 Shahrivar 1392)
20th IPM Physics Spring Conference
May 22-23, 2013(1-2 Khordad 1392) 
Two-day Meeting on NCG & Physics
May 8- 9, 2013(18-19 Ordibehesht, 1392)  
Planck Day at IPM
May 2nd, 2013( 12 Ordibehesht, 1392 ) 
One-day Casual Meeting on NCG & Physics  
December 23, 2012 ( 3 Day , 1391)
One Day Workshop on Aspects of Integrable Systems and AdS/CFT
Thursday Nov. 1st 2012 (11 Aban 1391)
Advanced school on Recent Progress in Condensed Matter Physics
27-28 June 2012  (7-8 Tir 1391)
19th Spring Physics Conference
May 16-17, 2012 (27-28 Ordibehesht 1391) 
Celebrating "DBI in the Sky"
19 April 2012 (31 Farvardin 1391)
First IPM Meeting on Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Complex Systems
23 February 2012 (4 Esfand 1390) 
Workshop on Graphene and Topological Insulators(GTIC2011)
19-20 October, 2011(27-28 Mehr 1390)
IPM school and workshop on recent developments in Particle Physics (IPP11)
4-7 September, 2011(13-16 Shahrivar, 1390)
A Short Course on "Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors"
6-7 July, 2011( 15-16 Tir, 1390)
School on selected topics in Strongly Correlated Systems
21-22 June, 2011 (31 Khordad-1 Tir 1390)
18th Spring Physics Conference
May 18-19, 2011 (28-29 Ordibehesht 1390)
Conference on Recent Progress in Foundation of Physics (FPhy10)
8-9 December, 2010 (17-18 Azar 1389)
One Day Workshop on Recent Developments in String Theory
1 December, 2010 (10 Azar 1389)
Workshop on Graphene and Topological Insulators (GTIC)
29-30 September, 2010
Workshop on Selected Topics in Casimir Effect: from Nanoscience to High Energy Physics
25 July, 2010 (3 Mordad 1389)
17th Spring  Physics Conference
May 19-20, 2010
16th Spring Theoretical Physics Conference
May 20-21, 2009
Advanced School of Recent Progress in Condensed Matter Physics and Strongly Correlated Systems
5-9 July 2008 
15th Spring Theoretical Physics Conference
May 14-15, 2008, Tehran
CMPP2008 (Second National Workshop on Detectors and Calculation Methods in Particle Physics)
February 5-7, 2008, Tehran
IPM National School on the Phenomenological and Experimental
Aspects of the Elementary Particle Physics

October 16-19, 2007, Tehran
14th Spring Theoretical Physics Conference
May 16-18, 2007, Tehran
INO Meeting on Astronomical Communication within Iran
March 7, 2007, Tehran
CMPP2007 (First National Workshop on Calculation Methods in Particle Physics)
February 6-7, 2007, Tehran

One Day Workshop on LHC and CMS Physics, "Future of High Energy Physics"
October 12, 2006, Tehran

Second Summer School on Plasma Physics
July 17-19, 2006, Tehran

13th Spring Physics Conference
May 3-5, 2006, Tehran

Summer School on the Phenomenological Aspects of the Elementary Particle Physics
September 4-8, 2005, Tehran

12th Spring Physics Conference
May 11-12, 2005, Tehran

Cosmology School
August 28 - September 2, 2004, Tehran

String Cosmology School & Workshop
April 21-23, 2004, Kharanagh, Yazd

First Workshop on Particle Physics and Phenomenological Aspects of QCD
February 4-5, 2004, Tehran 

10th Spring Physics Conference
May 28-30, 2003, Tehran 


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