Alireza's home page
Main topics Date Headlines References Details
1- What is data science?
Linux intro.
Wednesday, 18, Ordibehesht, 98 We'll know data science and the road map of these courses.
We'll know more about useful commands in Linux.
Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheets more...
2- Python (I): basics Wednesday, 25, Ordibehesht, 98 We need to learn a programming language. Python is our recommendation.
We'll begin to work with python.
Any python tutorial is fine! more...
3- Python (II): IDEs, package managers, Anaconda, pandas, simple Wednesday, 1, Khordad, 98 Python interactive development environments.
We'll know about Anaconda and pandas.
We'll learn about simple statistical analysis on some real data.
4- Probability and statistics (I) Wednesday, 8, Khordad, 98 Statistical inference, significant difference, CL estimation, developing and evaluating hypotheses, probability, best fitting, correlations Think Stats
5- Probability and statistics (II), Symbolic programming Wednesday, 5, Tir, 98 preliminary statistical analysis to mine a data set, How programming languages are able to deal with analytical mathematics An Introduction to Statistical Learning
6- Intro. to signal/image processing Wednesday, 12, Tir, 98 Bayesian inference (from session 5), how we are able to analyze sound/image/video Introduction to Time Series Forecasting
OpenCV tutorial
7- Machine learning intro. (I) Wednesday, 26, Tir, 98 OOP, ML concepts, features, classification, regression, overfitting problem, regulators Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
SciKit Learn
8- Machine learning intro. (II), Project development Wednesday, 2, Mordad, 98 Cross validation, hyper parameter optimization, how we are able to how to manage and track progress of a project. What will happen after project delivery? Scrum
DIVE Thursday, 3, Mordad, 98 Presetation of the projects by product owners. more...
SAKKOU Sunday, 10, Shahrivar, 98 Presentation of the teams after 5 weeks. more...
9- The art of data visualization and presentation Wednesday, 27, Shahrivar, 98 You'll learn about data visualization and presentation importance and related techniques. Search about matplotlib, seaborn, bokeh, plotly and dash. more...
10- Neural networks Wednesday, 3, Mehr, 98 Perceptron, CNN, GD, SGD TBA more...
11- Neural networks intro. Wednesday, 10, Mehr, 98 Basics; train, save, restore, tune up a model TBA more...
12- TensorFlow (I) Wednesday, 17, Mehr, 98 RNNs, autoencoders, variational autoencoders, GANs TBA more...